Pillows and year end clean up..... fixing "down alternative" pillow batting

Still on track for my year end clean up, today was wash all pillows and comforters day.  Off to the laundromat, and this happened. The filling has distorted and pulled towards the center.

I knew when the washing cycle finished, something had gone terribly wrong. It went wrong on 3 of the 6 pillows I washed.  They are all "alternative down" because I'm allergic to feather pillows.

It's time to see, what is in these pillows.....

Three sides had the double top stitching, but one had single, this is side that was unpicked. 


Yes! Just a single line of stitching

Well hello there.....

 This is interesting, I've learned two things the batting is folded over itself and stitched in place with what looks like spiderweb of batting fiber, almost tacked, and can be pulled apart.  The second thing I learned is that despite drying it in a commercial dryer for 30 minutes, it's still damp inside.  The others will be put back into the dryer with some wool balls. This little guy had the biggest lump.

This was not a big deal, it didn't take that long, you just need to find a place where it can dry out undisturbed.... and away from cats, or dogs.

After it dried completely, it was folded back, and the areas that were matted were pulled apart to make them less thick.  

So will I be able to get this back together again? That's a lot of batting...

The cover was measured and the batting was folded to that approximate size. It was scooted back into the cover, and the batting was pulled into the corners, then pinned closed.

I can live with this.



The other two have fluffed up using wool balls, but this one was in the worst shape.
Onwards and upwards.... I hope everyone is having a lovely Christmas!


celkalee said…
A couple years ago I washed the bed pillows from the motor home prior to closing for the season. It seemed to go well. HOWEVER, when I opened the hermetically sealed vacuum bag in the Spring there was an "off" smell. Mmmm, well, what appeared to be dry when I sealed them in (I did not take them apart to check) there was a a bit of dampness apparently in the middle and they all went Moldy! Not just a bit, I mean really moldy. All tossers. Lesson learned. You did right by taking them apart. More patience than I have though! You are indeed the Most Persistent Person I know!
ELMO said…
Yikes, I could totally see that happening. I remember reading about a woman who's stash went moldy, after she packed up a recently laundered cut of fabric. Now that is a scary story.

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