Bobbin Lace and Tape lace tank

Mom did a bit of traveling, she left us at home one year with the freezer packed with food. She was gone for a month.  I attribute that to our going to see Shirley Valentine, that movie inspired an adventure. Dad would travel but not everywhere, and darn it she was going to see the world.  She landed in Brussels during that month, and bought tons of Bobbin lace and tape lace.

Once dad realized if he didnā€™t go with her he would be left behind, they went to Brazil, where she found doilies with their version of bobbin tape lace. This is what was left over from one of the doilies  

She set to designing and made all manner of bridal dresses, dresses and a tank for me. 

This set looks Aztec to me  

This was one of my favorite outfits when I was younger. When she first presented it to me, all I could see were the holes and how I would be naked underneath. One flesh toned bra later and I really loved this top, but it was not without stares. 

I can't believe I was ever this size  
The skirt might have to be repurposed for the nomad dress  I'm pulling out all of the clothing from the "repurpose" pile. Squee!!


celkalee saidā€¦
Wow, your Mother was an amazing seamstress/designer. Such vision. Beautiful lace, so much potential!
LindaC saidā€¦
What a beautiful dress! I hope you can find a way to save that beautiful lace top.
Summer Flies saidā€¦
That is amazing work and what a lovely thing to have. Beautiful.
ELMO saidā€¦
She was very creative. I canā€™t actually see where she has joined the laces.

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