But Why Are Dye Lots Important, White is White, Right? No....

This was an interesting observation.  I purchased two IKEA lamps years ago.  After living with them for a while, I started noticing when lit, they are not the same color.  I automatically thought, ah, the lightbulbs aren't the same color temperature.  I'll just leave them and when they burn out, I'll replace them with matching bulbs.  That didn't fix the issue either.   

The fabric is the same color but the white cardboard beneath is not. Even cardboard has color lots, who knew?

 How is this sewing related?  Here we have flannel again, two cuts of the same SKU from Joann's.  Since I'm putting up white curtains, this color difference will shine through a white fabric.  You'll see that they are different colors.  One is a blue white, the other a warm yellow.  There's nothing wrong with either but if they are hanging next to each other, you will see the difference.  So when embarking on your sewing projects, try to buy all of the fabric you need from one bolt.

Now, I was thinking about what I can do with these IKEA lamp shades, they no longer carry this lamp or the shades.  I was thinking of painting them black inside, but I like that they aren't opaque.  There may be a lampshade making post in my future.

Happy Saturday!


celkalee saidā€¦
Whites, like Reds can really compete with each other. I like your example and I am surprised just how different they are. I have a large bolt of white drapery lining fabric I picked up at a Quilt guild flea market with intention of making lightweight curtains....haven't done it yet but thinking hard about it! Of course sunshine is hard to find here these days!
ELMO saidā€¦
I have a funny story aobut reds, I painted a small bathroom red, it took multiple coats. It was pretty snazzy looking, but if the light was on and the door left ajar, it would reflect a red glow onto the front door.... the joke was we were entering the gates of hell. It was repainted a nice neutral clay color after that. I'm hoping white curtains won't dim the natural light in the room. I will save that darker flannel for the ultra light sewing room west facing window.

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