Youtube Tunic inspiration.... and the organization is complete

I was scared.... this was the last of the fabric reorganization.  
The day before, I had spoken to my 90 year old aunt and she asked how the move was coming along.  I said I was still moving boxes over. She said, "fabric right?", Yes, your mother said she was going to leave you an inheritance of fabric, and she laughed hysterically.  Which made me laugh because, while I didn't know her plans, she did indeed.leave me fabric and lace.... this is the lace.

He was no help at all, but at least he wasn't attacking the mounds while I worked away.

Here we are, one of the guest room closets...

And the rest in my bedroom.  A total of three of these metal bookcases hold most of my fabric.  There are some chiffons, and cut velvets hanging in the closet, and two bins in the sewing area, which are lining fabrics, and scrap.  I also have a drawer full of misc, clothing that I wanted to repurpose, I always feel better about things when they are organized.

In the meantime.... I was thinking about the Nomad Dress, while I was sorting those laces.  I turned to youtube, and there is a channel called "Appearance Design Studio".  I believe he is located in India, and if you want to watch what it looks like to whiz through a garment, he's pretty amazing.  The videos have soundtracks and he doesn't speak.  I've learned some things, but have to admit, I've never stapled a facing..... If you are thinking about tunics this year for summer, you might get some ideas here.  I pop on the channel when I'm sorting fabric.


LindaC saidā€¦
I know that sometimes people are overwhelmed with their inherited fabrics and sewing notions, but I sure wish someone in my family left me a bunch of stuff like that. I would just like the opportunity to sort through it. I'm a bit jealous of you and also a bit horrified at the thought of having to find places to store all that bounty. You've done a great job in your organization. It doesn't look untidy although it does look a little overwhelming.

My children don't sew. I must make my way through my collected fabrics so I don't leave them with the burden of disposing of them. LOL
ELMO saidā€¦
There's a lot of history in those boxes mom and I conspired over many a fabric and design weirdly, I think I've never been more prepared to get through it all. There are no sewers in my family either I will need to get through it all, especially the more expensive cuts I'd hate to think they've gone to waste

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