The whirlygig quilt
I need something to keep me busy, and need to keep my sewing mojo fed. I spied a quilt, which I fell in love with, featured in a you tube video from the Kansas City Museum.
This is the quilt I'm obsessed with, although, if I could stop watching bed turning videos on youtube, I would stop with this one. There is something so comforting about this quilt, largely soft pastel shades, I remember some of these fabrics from my mother's wardrobe. The red striped blocks remind me of a dress my mother had growing up, and the soft shade of blue a dress I had growing up. Funny what sparks a memory.
Mine will be a scrap quilt, using what's in the stash, and I don't believe it will look this serene, but let's see what we can come up with while I use my cutting time trying to solve my AC dilemma.
If you want a little distraction Quilt in a Day has a video featuring an orange quilt collection. The variety is mind boggling.
Quilt in a Day Antique Orange Quilt Collection.