Friday, April 17, 2015

Progress and preparation

More tile work done, we are getting a feel for how it will look when finished.

I really like the super thin grout lines 1/16" and that is only possible because the tiles are all exactly the same size.  I had considered these tiles but once I lined them up on the floor, unbelievably, the tiles were all slightly different dimensions which would make such a thin grout line impossible. You really need to check your tiles before purchasing them.

It's going to be very pretty when finished.

The details have slowed us down... like undercutting trim.

The avocado bullnose is gone , maybe if I'm very good the bathroom will be finished sooner rather than later.

This little house has been a labor of love.
the doors should be installed soon and there's plenty going on at the big house...

There's been a lot of sweeping which calms me.

More updates next week...


celkalee said...

looking really good, you should be very proud. not many would have tackled a job this big! your helper is a stand up guy as well. (or kneel down guy depending on the job :)

ELMO said...

Yes, I think I'll keep him :) I'm almost a little sad that the little house is coming to a close, it's been so fun to plan and shop. I know what you're thinking, I'm no where near but I feel all the decisions have been made. Time to go to the next project....