Chanel jacket progress Trim


We are getting closer to the end, the sleeve trim has to be stitched. The buttonholes are something to consider since this is just the test garment, so I want hand stitched buttonholes or do we want to try the "hand stitched" setting on my vintage buttonholer and see what that looks like.

Vogue pattern 8259 Shaeffer Chanel jacket 3 piece sleeve
The next major operation will be the pockets. If you remember, the original jacket had rectangular pockets oriented in landscape, so that the longer edge was at the top and bottom. I've experimented with another shape and placement ideas. Then there will the matter of trim to consider whether the fringe and braid will be carried on to the pocket, and whether to include buttons.


The pocket placement above is towards the side seams and below, they are brought in towards the center a bit more.  They look a bit small compared to the pattern envelope, but I like the shape, it repeats the soft curve at the center front.

The next major operation will be the pockets. If you remember, the original jacket had rectangular pockets oriented in landscape, so that the longer edge was at the top and bottom. I've experimented with another shape and placement ideas. Then there will the matter of trim to consider whether the fringe and braid will be carried on to the pocket, and whether to include buttons. If you're a Prada fan, you have to watch this video (aprox 3 minutes) "A Therapy"


becki-c saidā€¦
I definitely think the second placement is very slimming. Its tempting to say "make them bigger" but I think they will be perfectly sized with the trim.
ELMO saidā€¦
I might make them a touch bigger. I was noticing on the real deal they are placed towards the center. If you've seen the Vogue pattern magazine for June July there are some examples of the Chanel jacket and they are placed to the outside of the princess seam.

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